We are proud to annouce that our store, Bottle Shop GA, carries a local craft Kombucha, made in Columbus, GA.
Kombucha is an effervescent probiotic tea.
Great for cocktail mixers

About Beejou
Our kombucha is brewed exclusively with honey and agave for our vegan friends! With constantly emerging research indicating the importance of a healthy gut microbiome, our mission is to create a kombucha experience that any palate can appreciate, no acquired taste needed. While traditional kombucha is brewed with black tea and sugar, we believe our alternative method of green tea and honey allows for a more subtle base for us to build our flavors on. Our flagship flavors are created with the best ingredients in mind, especially for your health. In French, “Bijou” means jewel — in Columbus, GA “Beejou” means kombucha tea, precious like a jewel. Enjoy its light!
For more information on Beejou Craft Kombucha